Home Birth Midwifery Care
Providing complete prenatal, birth, and postpartum care for families in the Baltimore, Maryland area and York County, Pennsylvania.
Our bodies are sacred, powerful, and wise.
Pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period make up a powerful rite of passage, a period of rapid growth and change, and also an especially tender time with uniquely intense needs for witnessing, nourishment, and connection.
When a mother or pregnant person feels relaxed and heard, honored and supported, true possibilities emerge for sweetness and joy, deep empowerment, and profound transformation.
This is what every woman and birthing person deserves and why I strive to offer a spacious, attentive, and curious listening presence; practical guidance and accessible opportunities for enhancing well-being; plenty of resources for making informed choices free from pressure; and expertise grounded in the understanding of pregnancy & birth, breastfeeding and healing processes as normal, natural, safe, and beneficial.
Because your pregnancy, birth, and baby moon should be joyful, empowering, and transformative!
To learn more about my philosophy of care and what I bring to birth, please peruse the articles in my blog.
Meet the Midwife,
Nets Manela
Certified Professional Midwife.
Licensed Direct Entry Midwife.
Registered Craniosacral Therapist.
Certified Holistic Doula.
Childbirth Educator…and Mother of Four.
The Midwife
Sits. Breathes. Believes in you. She reflects back to you. Gives gentle nudges of encouragement. Seeks the health in whatever is happening and amplifies it. She is wowed by you. There is no judgment. She feels reverence. Sees the whole picture and the intricacies within it. Holds a wide open yet cozy space as you tell your story with feeling and unwind what is stuck. She stays to witness the resolution. The emergence. The triumph. The bonding. When she leaves, she still wonders at the magic that unfolded. Surely that was not her doing.

Serving the Baltimore, Maryland area and York County, Pennsylvania.
Hour-long prenatal visits
allow time to ask all your questions, address any concerns, and receive holistic guidance in a relaxed atmosphere. Other children and family members are always welcome. My home office boasts a terrific toy library and is located in Reisterstown, Maryland. Visits are offered monthly until 36 weeks, and weekly thereafter. The 36-week visit will be in your home.
Individualized holistic guidance
in nutrition, supplements, homeopathics, herbs, exercise, relaxation, breastfeeding, bodywork, and natural baby care to empower your parenting journey.
Biodynamic craniosacral therapy
sessions are included in your care, optional of course, once in each trimester that I see you, plus one postpartum session each for mama and baby. Read all about it here.
Herbs and herbal formulations
are included for all of my clients and also available a la carte for specific indications, thanks to Hannah Burba of Raven Midwifery. I highly recommend nourishing herbal infusions as a gentle and powerful way to take in minerals, tonify the uterus, build blood, and more. Additionally, I bring herbal tinctures and homeopathic remedies to every birth.
Lab work
including blood draws, urine testing, PAP tests, etc., is offered in my home office and is usually covered by insurance. We go over your results together and apply nutritional and natural remedies to correct deficiencies and treat other issues whenever possible.
On-call availability, back-up support & a second experienced birth attendant
means you can reach me at any time, day or night. I am here for you, along with a second midwife to assist at your birth and provide back-up coverage.
Complications, emergencies, and transfer of care
sometimes happen. Continuity of care helps us notice and address warning signs early, in natural and non-invasive ways whenever possible. As a Certified Professional Midwife, I am trained and equipped to recognize and handle many complications and emergencies at home and to stabilize for and facilitate transfer of care when needed. Suturing with local anesthetic is offered at home when needed.
Postpartum home visits
are provided for mother and baby during the first six weeks, including newborn exams and screenings, breastfeeding support, craniosacral therapy, and more. Maryland requires referral to a pediatrician for a newborn visit after the first 72 hours.
Fees, discounts, and insurance
My fees cover prenatal, birth, postpartum, and newborn care, a second midwife or birth assistant’s attendance at your birth, back-up midwife coverage, lab specimen collections, birth pool rental, most of your birth supplies, routine and emergency medicines and supplies, a prenatal craniosacral therapy session, craniosacral therapy as needed for baby at postpartum visits, and a bundle of herbal products for pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. Lab fees are usually covered by insurance. I work with a billing service, who can often get some insurance reimbursement for my clients. Click here to learn more about the billing service and start a verification of benefits.
The fee for my services is $6400.
A discount is available for clients who utilize Medicaid. Payment plans are available for all clients.
Giving birth is a rite of passage during which we enter an altered state of consciousness, surrendering our thinking brain to the inherent wisdom of the body. To support the emergence of a new being is to participate in a ceremony with awe, reverence, and an attitude of service.
Each baby expands us. Each birth takes us into the unknown and teaches us something vital to parenting a new being and growing ourselves. We will confront unexpected challenges. We will be changed. The experience is invaluable. I am here to offer a sense of comfort, security, expertise, and positive energy as your transformation unfolds, wherever it may take you.
The uterus is the strongest muscle in the human body. All of the energy and ability required to grow, birth, and nourish a baby resides within the birthing parent.
Have you ever seen the expression on a woman’s face the moment after her baby is born? From conception through babyhood, although many challenges arise, the primary hormone involved is oxytocin, the love hormone. Feelings of joy and contentment promote motherbaby health, well-being, and connection.
Experience and education around undisturbed birth can give us understanding, familiarity, and trust, so that witnessing labor and birth evokes reverence, and not fear or a need to control the process. The more we learn about what is right with birth, the more respect we engender for the genius of the human body, and the more we can let go into the experience.
I would like for you to leave each appointment feeling confident, connected, trusting in your body, your intuition, and the processes of pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding. My job is first and foremost to listen to you and support you to make your own best choices. I aim to provide culturally sensitive resources, education, and affirmation in service to your journey, your family, your way.
Hannah Burba, of Raven Midwifery, attends births with me, serves as my backup midwife, and provides herbal medicines, placenta services, fertility services, Arvigo abdominal massage, and more.
In her own words:
"Hannah and Nets have worked together for many lifetimes, so long that neither can remember how they originally met. Hannah is a licensed midwife in Baltimore, a mother of two children, four chickens, two cats, and one dog. She loves walking with families across the thresholds of preconception, pregnancy, birth, and beyond and is passionate about incorporating herbs and flower essences into her care. Every opportunity to work alongside Nets is an honor."
It's worth scheduling a free consult to discuss this. Risk categories are different among different care providers. And regulations differ state to state. If I can't take care of you, I may be able to point you to a provider with a similar philosophy who can.
This is the single biggest concern most parents have. The simplest answer is that, as a CPM, I am trained and equipped to handle emergency situations such as bleeding and the need to resuscitate a newborn. But there is a lot to this question. First of all, emergency situations are less common at home births for several reasons. 1) Our clients are "low risk." 2) Continuity of care allows us to be familiar with what's normal for you, recognize early when something is off, use non-invasive means to remedy issues as they arise, and choose to transfer before things become serious or emergent. 3) We do many fewer invasive procedures and avoid potentially destabilizing medications, which are often the cause of "emergencies" in the hospital setting. 4) When challenges arise, we stay calm such that our clients don't experience certain situations as emergencies. For example, we can help a baby breathe while they are right next to you with the cord intact, so they are still receiving oxygen through the placenta. Another example would be that our clients push in whatever position they desire, and we do not rush the birth of the shoulders. We see less shoulder dystocia than in the hospital because we respect and encourage physiological birth, even with larger babies. When a shoulder dystocia does occur, we use positional changes and hands-on maneuvers, communicating clearly but calmly, so that the situation is far less traumatic for the whole family.
The majority of home birth transfers are not emergencies but rather first time parents choosing to go in for an epidural for therapeutic rest. In both emergency and non-emergency transfers, I will contact the hospital, share relevant clinical information, fax over your records, clean up, and usually meet you at the hospital where I essentially serve as your doula.
As a licensed midwife in Maryland and CPM in Maryland and Pennsylvania, I carry and administer as needed several medications for postpartum hemorrhage, including pitocin, in addition to IV fluids, vitamin K and erythromycin eye prophylaxis for newborns, IV antibiotics for maternal GBS treatment in labor (if indicated and desired), epinephrine in case of allergic reaction, and lidocaine, a local anesthetic used for suturing. I can acquire and administer Rhogam when needed. I also carry herbal and homeopathic medicines, which are my first go-to whenever possible. I cannot prescribe other medications. I do not perform ultrasounds in my office but rather will write a referral for them as desires/indicated.
I cannot insert an epidural, offer narcotic pain medications or administer nitrous oxide. To choose home birth is to make a commitment to natural birth - though transfer to the hospital for pain medication is always an option. That said, laboring in your own home affords many options for comfort measures. You are free to move around inside and outside, use all your furniture, take showers and baths, use the birth pool, seek privacy or intimacy, receive therapeutic touch, and so on.Item description
I can take blood, urine, and vaginal samples in my home office and in your home. I have an account with LabCorp. Most lab fees are covered by your insurance. Any lab fees not covered, you will have to pay out of pocket.
Although tears that require sutures are lesson common in the home birth setting because we support physiologic pushing, they do sometimes happen. Most tears can be repaired at home with local anesthetic. Very rarely, a very deep or complex tear will require more advanced surgical attention, which means transferring for medical care in the hospital.
The best thing is to bring them along for a consult. Oftentimes having their questions answered and establishing a real-life relationship with a midwife is all that's required. I'd also recommend watching together The Business of Being Born.
Birth can be messy. And we do clean up! We recommend a few different tricks to protect your mattress and carpets and supplies to have on hand for cleaning, and then we take care of everything after the birth. No one will ever know. =)
Sometimes prospective clients ask if their home is too small. Funnily enough, even in large homes, mamas often end up giving birth in the bathroom or the smallest room in the house, and that's just fine. Birth can unfold just about anywhere. And a birth pool can be accommodated with some creativity in most spaces. Your home need not be scrubbed clean or sterilized. We are each adapted to our own environments, much more so than to a hospital environment. If you'll be using your bathtub in labor, it's a good idea to clean it well first, especially in case your water breaks early in labor.
Yes! There is a $100 fee to borrow my pool. I'll bring it to your home at our 36-week home visit, along with a new, disposable liner, a new, foodgrade hose, and other necessary supplies, and we'll discuss how and when to set it up and fill it. After the birth, my birth assistant and I will take care of emptying it with a sump pump, cleaning up, and clearing everything out! You can keep the hose.