Resource, Re-align, & Regenerate
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
What is BCST?
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a gentle and non-manipulative form of body work. BCST is founded on the principle that the inherent intelligence and potency within the human body is capable of directing and accomplishing its own formation, maintenance, healing, and regeneration.
Benefits of BCST Include:
A safe and empowering therapeutic relationship
Relief from acute and chronic symptoms
Increased physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual self-awareness and well-being
Sessions are performed with the client fully clothed, usually lying on a massage table. The quality of touch is very gentle and still, allowing the practitioner to listen for and witness health, inertia, and healing processes.
We partner with the rhythmic, tidal expressions of your inherent health to settle your nervous system, resolve inertial patterns, expand your range of resilience, deepen your sense of well-being, and ultimately amplify your creative self-expression.
BCST has evolved from Osteopathic medicine, which is rooted in Shawnee and Cherokee healing wisdom as well as Western medical tradition. Other influences on the continuing evolution of BCST include Buddhist meditation practices, Polarity Therapy, Heart Math, Somatic-Emotional Experiencing, Pre- and Perinatal Psychology, and psycho-neuro-immunology.
This modality can be powerfully healing for all manner of acute and chronic conditions such as injuries, headaches, sleep challenges, immune problems, anxiety, PTSD, and much more. Because it is so gentle and non-invasive, there are no counter-indications to therapy. The work can be done lying down, sitting up, at a distance, with pregnant people, babies, and seniors.
Continue scrolling down for more information about my work with babies.
An initial series of four weekly or bi-monthly sessions is recommended to experience momentum in the healing process.
To learn about my training, visit the Heartwaves Healing Institute.

Providing services in the Baltimore, Maryland area and York County, Pennsylvania.
What Happens During a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Session
Amplifying and Supporting Your Inherent Self-Healing Processes
In a Biodynamic craniosacral therapy session, I hold space for and offer attuned attention to my clients’ self-healing.
Here is how a session unfolds, step by step:
In my home office or in your home, we sit together for twenty to thirty minutes to settle in and talk. You share what’s going on for you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I listen and reflect back what I'm hearing and may offer insights and affirmations. We set shared intentions for our time together.
I help you settle in comfortably on the table, fully clothed, propped, and cozy. I then sit on a stool by your side or near your feet and may guide you through some breathing and relaxation to clear the mind, drop into body awareness, and orient to something that feels resourcing for you.
I settle and orient to myself and to the space around your system. When you're ready for contact, I begin with a gentle and still touch, usually at the feet, and tune in to the rhythms and tides that are expressions of the health and life force of your being.
Your inherent healing resources build as these rhythmic tides are perceived, amplified, and often invited to pause and rest into deep stillness. Some clients fall asleep, and that's just fine. The body communicates healing intentions, which can be perceived through touch and intuition and combined with information from your intake and our conversation to determine where on the body to go next.
I move to make contact at a few different places on the body during our session, often including the head, to offer a gentle and still touch where I can listen with my hands to perceive inertial patterns, deepen into stillness, and witness and support the self-healing process. Fluids, tissues, fascia, bones, organs, the nervous system, inertial forces, and trauma patterns as old as conception can unwind and reorganize with spacious and compassionate witnessing touch and sometimes with gentle suggestions to the body as needed.
A final hold, often at the sacrum, knees, or feet, supports integration of the shifts that occurred during the session with attention to the reorganization happening in your system and the wholeness of your being.
During the last ten minutes, integration continues as I invite you verbally to share what you noticed, offer my own observations and insights, and support an un-rushed re-orienting to present time and space.
Check out my blog post, How to Get the Most ouf of a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Session.
Baby Bodywork & Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
What happens during a baby session
Baby body work includes a thorough intake to help me understand the whole picture, from family dynamics to conception, pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period, up til today.
Next comes a whole-body evaluation and gentle stretch protocol learned from a cranial osteopath. I am not an osteopath. I share my observations and recommendations, including stretches you can do with your baby at home to support unwinding, release, and balance.
The Biodynamic craniosacral therapy part involves a still and gentle listening touch that empowers and amplifies the body's inherent healing abilities. More details about BCST can be found in the description above.
I may work with your baby on a pillow, in a bouncy seat, while nursing, in your arms or in mine to support the nervous system, bones, fascia, organs, tissues, fluids, inertial patterns, trauma, and unresolved force to unwind and reorganize. I may also ask to work on you, the parent, while you hold your baby, to support your settling together.
Some challenges that respond well to craniosacral therapy include:
Breastfeeding challenges such as problems with latch, reflux, nursing on one side only
Tongue and lip tie; pre- and post- revision support
Babies with high tone, low tone, tightness, tension, torticollis, or developmental delays
Birth trauma and trauma during pregnancy
Collic, fussiness, trouble with sleeping, feeding, pooping, and more!
I offer sessions in my home office as well as home visits within a 40-minute driving radius. See below for details.
The Cost of BCST Sessions
For babies, adults, and pregnant people
$150 for a 90-minute adult office visit
$150 for a 90-minute initial office visit for a baby
$80 for a 60-minute baby follow-up office visit
$180 for a 90-minute home visit - adult, or initial baby home visit within a 40-minute driving radius. Fees increase with distance up to an hour radius.
$110 for a 60-minute baby follow-up home visit
$20 off per session for second and subsequent family members seen consecutively in the office
$40 off per session for second and subsequent family members seen consecutively in your home
Office Location
5411 Mt. Gilead Rd.
Reisterstown, MD 21136