How to get the Most out of a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Session

Hands throwing a pot on a pottery wheel

Healing is for Growing

Most people come to craniosacral therapy with a symptom or problem they’d like help resolving.  Sometimes people come for personal development or general support with health.  Either way is great! Biodynamic craniosacral therapy can be a fabulous catalyst for growth when we recognize that healing is part of a continuum with the creative process of living life, and not just an end in itself.

The more conscious awareness you bring to what you notice within yourself, the greater the potential for the deepest level of healing - the kind that can be permanent and through which challenges become inspiration and ultimately strengths.  

Setting Intentions

Before the hands-on part of a session, you get to share what’s up for you physically, emotionally, mentally, and/or spiritually and collaborate with the practitioner to settle on intentions for the session. During the hands-on work, it’s great to attend to sensations and feelings as they arise, and it’s also fine to zone out or fall asleep.  Many people find themselves going in and out of a dream-like state.

Paying Attention

After the session, hopefully you’ll experience relief from symptoms, greater energy, some spaciousness and peace around whatever has been troubling you.  You may also notice new sensations, feelings, or thoughts coming up.  Try to welcome whatever you notice with curiosity and even enthusiasm, and without judgment.  Allow for the possibility that something may be shifting in a big way on multiple levels. Extra fluids, rest, and time for reflection support the process.

A Great Session

Once, after a Biodynamic craniosacral therapy session focused on my jaw, I was overwhelmed with the need to sleep.  I passed out on the table for about fifteen minutes.  Suddenly, I sat bolt upright.  I had never felt so angry!  I was blessed with childcare for an extra hour, and I took the opportunity to go for a walk in the woods so I could let that angry energy move through my legs.  

In the ensuing days, I became extra vocal about all of the devaluing of the feminine I saw going on around me, including in my own family life.  As my awareness deepened from physical tension to emotional charge to underlying beliefs, I began to understand my subconscious collusion with devaluing the feminine.  I found compassion for myself, my family, and my ancestors, whose beliefs reflected necessary adaptations to oppression.  And I moved into a new mentality of valuing the feminine, not just theoretically, but deeply and truly, free from conflicting subconscious agreements.  Comments that might have triggered me previously sparked creative, productive responses.  And the people around me magically changed to match my new reality.  

Co-creating Our Reality

This experience illustrates how Biodynamic craniosacral therapy can help bring about not only comfort and healing, but also transformation and enhanced co-creativity.  As new awareness opens up, our conscious attention to whatever arises can help us transform troubles into fuel for creating a more peaceful, aligned, easeful and beautiful life and world.

L’chaim! To life!


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