Welcome from Nets, Home Birth Midwife in Maryland
Alternative Health Care
Unfortunately, our nation’s health care system does not treat pregnancy and birth as a normal, natural phenomenon. Hospital-based maternity care does not affirm birthing people as powerful, instinctive and capable, nor mother and baby as an interconnected unit whose well-being is intertwined. The standard of care for OBGYNs in the United States is significantly shaped by insurance policies designed to protect them from lawsuits. Oftentimes, the more interventions are performed, the lower the provider’s liability. Moreover, although they are excellent surgeons and provide very good care when medical interventions are truly called for, few hospital-based providers ever have the privilege to witness undisturbed, natural birth, let alone immerse themselves in a culture that affirms birth as healthy, normal, natural, and safe.
Fortunately, there are alternatives. You have options!
Certified Professional Midwife
If you have your heart set on a fully supported, natural birth experience with minimal medical interventions, I would highly recommend considering home birth. My name is Nets Manela. I am a home birth midwife in Maryland. I am a Certified Professional Midwife, or CPM, licensed by the Maryland Board of Nursing as a Direct Entry Midwife, or LDEM.
Personalized Care
While most midwifery care is evidence based, together we can do even better than that! Maintaining a small practice allows me to provide highly personalized care for pregnancy, labor and birth, and the postpartum period. Each individual situation, each client’s preferences, and the availability of many natural, non-invasive, and holistic options come into play throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum care.
Every client receives nutritional counseling, nourishing herbs to support pregnancy and labor, craniosacral therapy for mama and baby if desired, homeopathic remedy recommendations, lab work recommendations, and referrals as needed or requested for Chinese medicine, chiropractic adjustments, pelvic floor physical therapy, ultrasound, medical consults, and more. I work closely with other midwives in the community. We assist each other, provide back-up support, peer review difficult cases, and advocate for improvements to our legislation. We are trained, equipped, and prepared to respond to common complications and emergencies. And we interface with emergency medical services and hospital providers to provide as smooth a transition as possible when our clients require medical attention.
Midwifery Care
You’ll find lots of information in my blog about the kind of care I provide, advice and information for your journey, and some considerations for choosing home birth care. I hope you find the information you are looking for. Please let me know if there are any topics you’d like to see covered here! You can contact me by directly by email at netsitsah@hotmail.com.
Home Birth Midwife Maryland
I attend births primarily in Maryland, including Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Carroll County, Howard County, and York County. My service area extends as far south as Washington DC, as far north as York, Pennsylvania, west to Frederick, and east to Harford County, Maryland. Appointments take place in a combination of locations, including home visits (your home), my home office in Reisterstown, Maryland, and my office space in Baltimore.
If you’re looking for a home birth midwife in Maryland, and you’re located within my service area, please explore my website and reach out! For more options for home birth midwives in Maryland, visit the Association of Independent Midwives of Maryland.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does a private midwife charge for a home birth?
Fees vary among area midwives from about $4000-$8000. I try to keep my fees on the lower end because I want my services to be accessible and for my clients to seek supportive complementary care such as acupuncture and chiropractic care during the childbearing cycle.
Is home birth legal in Maryland?
Yes! Where you give birth and with whom is up to you. You can even choose to give birth unassisted in Maryland. It is legal for Certified Nurse Midwives and Licensed Direct Entry Midwives, who are also Certified Professional Midwives, to practice as home birth midwives in Maryland, within our scope of practice. But it’s not against the law for parents to hire or be served by a non-licensed provider.
Can you have a baby at home with a midwife?
If you are healthy and your pregnancy is considered low risk according to your home birth midwife, you are eligible for a home birth with that provider. No one can 100% guarantee you a home birth or even a vaginal birth. Different types of midwives have different restrictions as to what kinds of health conditions and previous birth experiences would prompt us to refer you to another kind of provider. It’s usually worth asking and exploring your options!
When should I call the midwife for a home birth?
Your midwife will want to know when contractions have started, when active labor begins, if /when your water breaks, and if you are experiencing significant bleeding or any other concerning symptoms. Usually, your midwife and birth assistant will arrive once active labor is underway to set up, provide support as needed, and begin monitoring vital signs, while maintaining a low-key presence throughout the process. Your birth team will usually stay for 3-4 hours after you have given birth.